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  • Afternoon Tea Cruise (Chiswick Pier to Hampton Court)

Afternoon Tea Cruise (Chiswick Pier to Hampton Court)

  • 3 Aug 2024
  • 3:00 PM
  • Starting from Chiswick Pier


London Branch Social Event

This is a London and Kent Branch social event organised and run by our London  Branch. Other members and non-members are welcome to join us.

Cruise from Chiswick to Hampton Court and back on the Golden Salamander

Enjoy the delightful scenery of this stretch of the Thames and enjoy a traditional afternoon tea with family, friends and colleagues.  View the river with all its wildlife from the internal or the external decks of the Golden Salamander.

(Note that the boat will be turning round at Hampton Court and returning, and there is no time to visit Hampton Court Palace).

Traditional Afternoon tea plus pay bar.

Tickets £20 per passenger

Please enrol using the form below. No reservations without payment. Numbers are limited and bookings will be prioritised on a first come, first served basis. Deadline for all paid applications is 9:00 a.m. Monday 29th July or earlier should all tickets be sold before this. Refunds will be made to any unsuccessful applicants.( Priority booking for London and Kent Branch members until 21st July.)

Full details including routes, menu and access arrangements can be found on the event poster and application form which can be downloaded here

The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000

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