The Welding Institute

Interim Registration

What is Interim Registration?

Interim registration is open to recent graduates who have gained the relevant qualifications for registration but haven’t yet accumulated the correct amount of work experience or industry knowledge. Interim registration is a useful and valuable start to your journey towards gaining professional registration. It can also give you an edge over other recently graduated engineers when applying for jobs and is recognised and awarded by the Engineering Council.

What do I need to register for Interim Registration?

  • A qualification which has been accredited or approved as meeting the full academic requirements for your chosen professional title.

  • A relevant Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in engineering which has been approved via Academic Review for CEng or IEng

  • A relevant vocational or other qualification which has been approved via Academic Review for EngTech

Upon receipt of your application The Welding Institute will confirm whether your qualification is accredited/approved and if so, we will make the Interim registration application to the Engineering Council who will then issue an interim registration certificate for the relevant category of registration directly to you. Should your qualification not be accredited or approved, it will be sent for Academic Review and subject to approval an interim registration will subsequently be awarded.

Interim registration is usually combined with Associate Membership (AWeldI) of The Welding Institute giving you full access to our member benefits.

What happens next?

Over the next few years of your career, you will be able to work towards exchanging your interim to full registration as an EngTech, IEng or CEng. This involves developing your competences and understanding of engineering principles through work experience.

If you are interested in gaining Associate membership with Interim Registration, please contact us directly.

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000