The Welding Institute

Outstanding Personal Contribution Award

In memory of Harry Brooker.

The award is sponsored by Johnson Matthey plc, in memory of Harry Brooker who was instrumental in introducing low temperature silver brazing alloys into British industry in 1935. He became a Chief Executive and Managing Director of Johnson Matthey and promoted research with The Welding Institute during and after the Second World War on resistance welding of aluminium.

This award is made in recognition of the recipient's personal contribution to the science, technology and industrial exploitation of materials joining.

It recognises high industrial research or educational responsibility of a character which has beneficially influenced the advancement of materials joining technology.

How to Apply:

We are not currently accepting nominations or applications.  


2020 Winner

Professor JicaiFeng.

Harbin Institute of Technology and President of the Chinese Welding Institute

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000