The Welding Institute
Continuous Learning and Development Award

The Continuous Learning and Development Award is sponsored by Professor Steven Jones, Chief Technical Operating Officer at the Nuclear AMRC, Sheffield.

Focusing on individuals who have successfully combined practical skills in the work place with traditional learning and educational achievement, this award recognises the wide range of routes that can be taken to achieve success. Any successful welder who has applied passion and willingness to learn and try new things should consider applying for this award. Evidence of learning is required but also how that learning has successfully been applied.   

Winners will receive a cash prize of £500 and The Welding Institute is looking for those outstanding individuals who have undertaken significant educational journeys in parallel to their welding career.  The award reflects the efforts and personal sacrifices made by an individual in acquiring and applying the knowledge gained, and its benefits realised to both the individual and company. 

How to Apply:

We are not currently accepting nominations or applications. 

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000