The Welding Institute

Mr Paul George EngTech TechWeldI

Compliance Assessor for TWI Certification Ltd

As an authorised Compliance Assessor for TWI Certification Ltd, 41-year-old Paul George has gained knowledge and experience within his role, leading to his professional registration as an EngTech TechWeldl with The Welding Institute. 

In his current role for 2 years, Paul visits companies and welder training providers to perform assessments of their facilities, equipment and people, for compliance with standards and specifications. His reports enable TWI Certification Ltd to issue certificates of compliance with standards such as EN ISO 3834 for welding quality control, EN 1090 for Factory Production Control of construction products, and competence of welder training organisations. Paul also undertakes surveillance assessment to ensure that an organisation maintains compliance throughout the course of the certification, including assessing new people or equipment to extend the scope of their certification.

Describing his job as ‘challenging and rewarding,’ Paul nevertheless says that his role is of great benefit for his ‘desire to gain further knowledge about welding and its related activities,’ adding that he feels fortunate to ‘work with very knowledgeable individuals that are always willing to help me understand the welding processes and other related factors.’

The Middlesbrough-based Compliance Assessor has undertaken a number of courses since leaving full-time education, including a City and Guilds Fabrication and Welding 201, ONC in Fabrication and Welding, HNC in Mechanical Engineering and various welding diplomas with The Welding Institute, while also seeking to further his knowledge of welding and associated activities. This knowledge and experience has enabled Paul to pursue his career in welding and then into welding engineering, while also allowing him to become more assertive in his role and confident with making engineering decisions. 

Gaining his EngTech TechWeldl was Paul’s first involvement with The Welding Institute, and consisted of a ‘very smooth process’ with The Welding Institute staff and members on hand to offer all the advice and guidance he needed. Speaking on his application for EngTech, Paul explained it was a ‘swift process,’ adding, ‘I received plenty of support from my mentors, my work colleagues and The Welding Institute staff, which made the whole process a rather pleasant experience. From start to finish the whole process was complete within a matter of 3-5 months.’

For Paul, gaining his EngTech was ‘the next logical choice for me’ in his career progression and will act as a stepping stone in his ultimate goal of CEng registration. ‘Obtaining the EngTech TechWeldI status is the first step in recognition of my efforts and all the work I have undertaken in previous years,’ he explained. Paul recommends taking the EngTech step to ‘anyone who wants to progress their career at a professional level’ - but how has it helped him in his career? 

Paul revealed, ‘Becoming an EngTech has helped me greatly. When I’m out and about doing my job and acting on behalf of TWI CL, I often present a business card which shows my current level of membership. Once people can see that you are serious about progression and that you are part of an Institute such as The Welding Institute, they begin to understand that you are serious about your own competence and professional development.’

Of course, as Paul notes, being an EngTech also benefits his employer as it ‘shows your commitment to professional progression and helps the employer by having suitably motivated individuals working on their behalf.’

So, what’s next for Paul’s professional development?

‘I am currently working towards submitting my IEng application with a view to undertake the EWE/IWE courses in 2018.’ he said, adding, ‘I wish to complete the EWE/IWE in 2018 and in due course make an application to become a Chartered Engineer.’

You can find out more about TWI Certification by following the links below:

ISO 3834 

EN 1090 

EN 15085 


You can also email TWI Certification for more information.

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The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000