The Welding Institute


The Welding Institute journal has been a showcase for our Members, their employers and the industry for decades. The content of the journal is a unique benefit to Members and needs to reflect our Members’ current issues and interests.

Our Branch and Younger Member Correspondents provide information and insight into the news, activities and interests of our members in the regions. Our correspondents source news stories and opportunities for the Editor of the journal.

Person Specification

Journal correspondence volunteers are expected to have:

    • Creativity and interest in contributing to an informative and attractive professional journal
    • Literate and dynamic
    • Good interpersonal skills
    • Energy and enthusiasm to inspire others
    • IT literate especially in the use of online presentation software
    • Good time management skills

Summary of Main Duties and Responsibilities

    • To raise the profile and publication of the journal within a defined region through professional Members, employers and industry
    • To develop a network of contacts interested in supplying information, news and reports
    • To monitor local news feeds and social media for stories of potential interest to Members
    • To write stories and reports on local activities
    • To provide monitoring and feedback on the journal to the editor and local Branch and Members
    • To support the Editor and Editorial Board in the execution of their duties

    Time Commitment

    Our Correspondents will be aligned with (and preferably Members) of a Branch Committee. The Term of Office for this position is a year, renewable on an annual basis. The Journal is published quarterly, the closing date for editorial content for each issue will be approximately two months before publication date.

    Benefits of Volunteering

    This role provides continuing professional development opportunities through the development of:

      • Development of job knowledge
      • Opportunities to develop and expand personal networks and contacts.
      • Acquisition of other transferable skills e.g. writing and presentation skills
      • You will have the opportunity to network with a range of professionals and academics in the engineering sector

    How to Apply

    To apply, please complete an expression of interest form illustrating how you meet the role criteria and along with your CV, send this to The Editorial Board in consultation with the Branch and YMC Committees will appoint Branch and Younger Member Correspondents.

    For further information, please refer to the full person specification, or email

    The Welding Institute

    Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

       +44 (0)1223 899000