The Welding Institute

North Scottish & Highlands and Islands Branch

Upcoming events

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Committees and Officers

Position Name

Brian Bell FWeldI CEng

Vice Chair Stephen Anarah AWeldI

Craig Cooper AWeldI

Secretary  Ross Jackson CEng MIMechE AWeldI 
Programme Secretary Ross Jackson CEng MIMechE AWeldI 
Education OfficerSteve Smith MWeldI CEng
Younger Members Committee RepVACANT
Social Media and Journals Correspondent VACANT 
Recruitment OfficerVACANT
Branch Management Committee Rep

Mark Bragg MWeldI CEng

Liaison with IMechE

Alexey Yasinskiy MWeldI

Highlands & Islands representative Calum MacLean MWeldI IEng
Committee Member Jonathan Smuga AWeldI
Committee Member Michael Duncan AWeldI

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000