The Welding Institute

Code of Conduct and Ethical Principles

As a member of The Welding Institute, you will be required to follow the Institute’s Code of Conduct and to act in a way that abides by the Engineering Council’s Statement of Ethical Principles. All members confirm their continued commitment via the annual renewal of membership.  

It is vital for the respect of the profession that there is widespread commitment to professional conduct, and the Institute’s Code of Conduct is aimed at defining such behaviour in the engineering community. It sets out what is expected of a professional technician or engineer and provides support for anyone seeking an ethical approach when balancing the many, often conflicting, demands in today’s society.  

The Code of Conduct is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains fit for purpose in today’s engineering profession.
 The document also outlines the Rights to Appeal.   

Click here to download the Code of Conduct.

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000