The Welding Institute

NDT and Condition Monitoring Technical Group (TG8) 

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Condition Monitoring play an important role in ensuring that fabrications meet required standards and that they continue to operate in a reliable and safe manner throughout their service life. NDT may also play a role during decommissioning. The ability to examine materials, components or systems without causing damage enables manufacturing imperfections or in-service degradation to be detected and their effects on the item’s fitness-for-service to be determined.

However, selection of the most appropriate interrogation method and of the most efficient combination of techniques and procedures are vital. These ensure that inspection programmes are cost-effective while providing a high probability of detecting discontinuities that are likely to be of concern. Equally, the training and performance of inspectors is an important element in order to meet the detection capability required. These considerations are challenging for those primarily engaged in manufacturing, or operation of components and plant where integrity is of importance.

The NDT and Condition Monitoring Technical Group aims to provide information for Welding Institute Members on both current and challenging topics related to inspection and evaluation for various industry sectors and applications. The group aims to meet at least once every year and covers topics such as structural assessments, development of tailored inspection techniques, validation of inspection processes and training.

Meet the TG8 Chair

Peter Mudge CEng, FIMMM, HonFInstNDT, FWeldI

Now retired, Peter Mudge was involved in R&D for Non-Destructive Testing at TWI in Cambridge UK for more than 42 years, latterly as Technology Fellow for NDT. Mostly, this involved development of inspection solutions in support of TWI’s Industrial Member companies, mainly in the oil and gas, power and structural sectors.

Peter was also Technical Director of the TWI subsidiary Plant Integrity Ltd, which developed and sold equipment and field services using guided wave ultrasonic techniques.

Peter is a past-President of the British Institute of NDT and participated in the development of NDT standards for BSI, ASME, NACE, ASNT and IIW.

Forthcoming event 

Coming soon...

Can't make it on the day? 

If you can't join us on the day, you can still access the recording of the webinar and the presentation by registering ahead of the event 

Some of our previous events

  • Is the Future of Polymers and Composites Built on a Defective Foundation or Will NDT Save the Day?

  • Back-to-Basics: Effect of joint design on NDT Effectiveness

  • Application and NDT Ultrasonic Imaging

  • Finite Elements in Fracture Mechanics and Flaw Assessments
  • Enhancing the Inspection Process using Advanced NDT Methods
  • Fabrication Quality: Meeting Expectations?
  • Is the Future of Polymers and Composites Built on a Defective Foundation or will NDT Save the Day?
  • Additive Manufacture of High Integrity Components

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

The Welding Institute awards points towards CPD for delegates attending this webinar. Every hour's attendance of an event will earn 2 points towards your continuing professional development.

Other Technical Groups

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Structural Integrity                         

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   Polymers and                   Composites  

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The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000