The Welding Institute


The Welding Institute is a firm supporter of diversity, equity and inclusion and encourages equality of opportunity for all.

    • Supporter and signatory of the Royal Academy of Engineering Diversity in Engineering Concordat since May 2015
    • The Welding Institute hosted a ‘Women in Engineering Day’ in 2016 which led to the formation of our Tipper Group
    • Participated in the Professional Engineering Institution (PEI) and Science Council Benchmarking Exercise and presented these findings to TWI Council in 2017

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Members Charter

The Welding Institute’s Professional Board established a working group to look at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D,E & I) in 2022. This group was asked to consider what more can be done to ensure The Welding Institute reflects and supports the diversity and range of its Members through representation and equal access to opportunities. In order to help achieve this, the group has drafted a Members’ Charter that will ensure The Welding Institute;

    • Serves all its members in a fair and professional manner
    • Creates an open and accessible Institute to all potential and existing members across the globe
    • Aspires to be the best it can be in the interests of all its members, stakeholders and the wider community.

The Charter sets out The Welding Institute's position on D, E & I. Other organisations have done this successfully as a public demonstration of their commitment to broadening and widening the agenda, to raise the profile of D,E & I, to instigate discussion and to build trust amongst members. Our charter has now been accepted by the Professional Board of The Welding Institute after widespread consultation with representatives from the other working groups. Our Charter lists key actions that The Welding Institute will take to bring our vision to reality and to demonstrate our commitment to the values we hold.

Keith Bridger CEng FWeldI 

(Chair D,E & I Working Group)

More Information and Useful Links

Case Studies 

Neurodiversity Case Study: Melissa Riley BMedSci CEng FIMMM FWeldI

Global Member Case Study: Amit Jain EngTech TechWeldI

Global Member Case Study: Miguel Da Fonseca EngTech TechWeldI

Early Engineering Careers Section

Formed to engage younger engineers in a supportive professional network, our Younger Members' Committee (YMC) focuses on promoting welding and joining to young people.

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000