The Welding Institute

Individual Route to Registration

What is the Individual Route?

The individual route is for those applicants who do not hold an accredited or approved qualification for the level of registration sought. You will therefore need to provide evidence of how you have achieved the same level of underlying knowledge and understanding as a standard route applicant either via a non-accredited qualification or through extensive work experience.

There are various options within the individual route and The Welding Institute will provide detailed advice based on your individual circumstances once we have looked at your education and career history. Holding relevant qualifications is only the beginning of the process; you must also be able to demonstrate that you have the required competences and work knowledge for the grade you are applying for. For more information on registration grades available, please click here.

The 2 current options under the individual route are:

  • Academic Review Option - This is open for applicants with non-accredited/non-approved qualifications at the correct level for the registration grade sought. You will be asked to submit copies of your certificates, transcripts and in some cases copy of abstract or thesis.       

  • Learning Outcomes Route (LOR)/Technical Report Option - This is open for applicants who do not hold any qualifications at the required level but who have evidence of extensive work experience. You will be asked to submit further evidence in the form of a mapping document and/or a technical report. Guidance will be given to support you through this process.       

If you are unsure of which of these options may be applicable to you, then please send your CV to The Membership Team and we will contact you with advice and guidance on how to proceed. Alternatively, if you are ready to apply, then click the Join Us button above or go straight to our online application form here.

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000

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