The Welding Institute


Our Volunteer Family 

The Institute has a wide range of volunteering opportunities. Our volunteer family is divided into three groups:

Each of these lends itself to a slightly different skill set and area of interest. Some volunteers take part in activities across the full range, others feel more comfortable with a particular type of role.

The Welding Institute Volunteer Family

 Committee Chair Professional Reviewer Tour Guide
 Committee Secretary Professional Interviewer Stem/Younger Members Ambassador
 Branch Chair Individual Route Advisor Company Ambassador
 Branch Secretary Individual Route AssessorSpeaker at Meetings 
 Branch Treasurer CPD ReviewerAuthor for Publication 
 Technical Group Committee Chair AccreditorMentor/Coach 
 Technical Group Secretary  

What do volunteers get out of volunteering?

  • Continuing professional development
  • Development of project and personal management skills
  • Development of job knowledge and technical expertise
  • Opportunities to develop and expand personal networks and contacts

What does the Institute expect of its Volunteers?

    Every role is slightly different but in general all our volunteers can expect to:

      • Give their time freely but only as much time as they have available. Time commitments vary between roles but the Membership Office will always provide as much advanced warning and details of the time required to undertake a role or piece of work for the Institute. All roles are time limited and subject to discussion and review.
      • Bring experience, skills and knowledge to the role to the wider benefit of The Welding Institute and its Members.
      • Be creative in carrying out the role, bringing a positive approach to problem solving and the promotion of the Institute in line with the Institutes values and operational frameworks.
      • Be invited to give and receive feedback as they become established within a role.
      • Be accountable for their actions as a representative of the Institute.

    For every role, volunteers will receive training and support from the Membership Office. Volunteers are expected to make every effort to take part in training activities.

    The Welding Institute

    Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

       +44 (0)1223 899000