The Welding Institute

UK Awarding Bodies and Training Providers

All qualifications recognised by the UK’s qualification frameworks are awarded by an Awarding Body (who is approved by the government-appointed regulator bodies) or by a body with degree awarding powers. 

However, not all Awarding Bodies supply the training that leads to their qualification, many actually approve independent trainers (provided they meet the required criteria) to award their approved qualification on their behalf.

Below you will find a list and description of some of the Awarding Bodies and training providers located in the UK as well as links to further information about each.

ABC Awards logo

ABC Awards is a leading national awarding organisation which develops diverse, high-quality vocational qualifications for all ages and abilities post-14.

Founded in 1998, ABC Awards is a leading national awarding organisation with a long-established reputation for high quality support and services to the educational sector. We are committed to helping employers, organisations and learners cultivate the relevant skills for learning, skills for employment, and skills for life.

ABC Awards is wholly owned by the EMFEC Group, a membership body with charitable status, which provides umbrella services for colleges and provider in the further education sector.

We work with over 600 Centres nationally and help tens of thousands of learners progress in their chosen careers. Our comprehensive portfolio covers 12 industry sectors and is designed for all ages and abilities post-14. All of our qualifications have been developed with the support of relevant stakeholders to make sure that they meet the needs and standards of industries across the UK. We are recognised by Ofqual and Qualifications Wales and all of our qualifications are regulated.

City & Guilds logo

We are a global leader in skills development, providing services to training providers, employers, and trainees across a variety of sectors to meet the needs of today’s workplace. Our qualifications and apprenticeships are valued by employers across the world, helping individuals develop their talents and abilities for career progression.

Click here to view all the qualifications and apprenticeships we have on offer

From Fabrication and Welding to Aeronautical Engineering, we have a variety of Engineering courses and qualifications designed to support many career choices. Our qualifications are offered at many different levels and sizes and include apprenticeship options.

We work closely both with the industry and employers, including the RAF, to ensure that learners are trained to the best possible standard.

CSWIP logo

CSWIP provides internationally recognised, role-specific competence for people engaged in welding, joining, materials integrity and inspection in manufacturing, construction, operation or repair of high integrity structures, plant or machinery.

For more information about CSWIP click here

EAL logo

EAL is a specialist organisation providing qualifications, relevant training and apprentice education programmes for engineering, manufacturing, building services and related sectors, such as welding.

EAL is committed to partnering with industry in core sectors providing an unrivalled knowledge and understanding of employer skills needs.  This results in qualifications that carry weight and respect with employers and deliver real career benefits for learners.

500,000 people have embarked on an EAL qualification in the last five years in schools, colleges, universities, private training facilities and workplaces across the UK. 

The courses and programmes offered are:

  • wide ranging from NVQs to Technical Certificates

  • aligned with National Occupational Standards

  • externally verified

  • recognised within apprenticeship frameworks

To find out more about EAL click here

Edexcel logo

Edexcel is the brand name for academic and general qualifications from Pearson, including GCSEs and A levels, as well as some vocational qualifications, including NVQs and functional skills.

Designed to advance learners’ skills while developing knowledge, Edexcel’s qualifications help learners either progress to higher education or go directly into employment. They are grounded in the quality and traditions of the British education system made relevant for today’s UK and international learners.

In the UK, Edexcel qualifications are suitable for a wide range of learners aged from 14 to 19. International schools can also offer the Edexcel Primary and Lower Secondary Curricula, so learners range from 8 to 19 years old.

Click here to find out more

ECITB logo

The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) is the statutory organisation, national training provider and awarding body with responsibility for the training and development of the UK’s engineering construction workforce. Acting on behalf of the industry, the ECITB works closely with Government and employers to attract, develop and qualify engineering construction personnel in hundreds of skills and disciplines. We provide businesses with the means to train the engineers of today and tomorrow to the highest standards, via our extensive, regionally-based network of almost 200 specialist ECITB- accredited course providers.

Managing a national skills training fund, the ECITB invests £20 million each year in providing the advice, information and support engineering construction employers need to attract, develop and qualify the people they need to create a sustainable and competitive workforce. This includes financial grants to cover the cost of training. The ECITB also sets industry standards for competence and health & safety, and works with all stakeholders to build a sustainable and competitive workforce for the future.

To find out more about ECITB click here

NAS logo

The National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) is responsible for apprenticeships in England. Their main role is to work with employers, helping more of them take on apprentices, and to work with those who advise learners so that more young people and adults are able to benefit from the experience of work based learning.

NAS aims to:

  • increase the number of apprenticeship opportunities

  • provide a dedicated, responsive service for both employers and learners

  • simplify the process of recruiting an apprentice through online web-based matching service

 To find out more about NAS click here

SQA logo

Based in Scotland, we work across the UK and internationally. We work with schools, colleges, universities and training organisations to develop and deliver our qualifications and assessments. Around 15,000 teaching professionals and industry specialists support SQA operations annually, helping to ensure that SQA qualifications accurately reflect learners’ knowledge and skills and provide routes to jobs or further study.

SQA also awards a range of other qualifications, including customised awards to meet the needs of individual companies and organisations. In addition, SQA provides advice, support and services, such as expertise in assessment, that enable organisations to succeed in meeting a wide range of educational and workforce development challenges.

Learn more about what we do

SEMTA logo

Semta is the Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies.

SEMTA aims to raise skills levels and competitiveness across all industry sectors, ensuring each has the right people with the right skills at the right time.

SEMTA represent employer skills needs to governments and work with those who plan, fund and deliver education and training to raise sector competitiveness.

To find out more about SEMTA click here

TWI Training Logo

Every year over 15,000 customers in more than 60 countries benefit from the expertise of TWI, the world's largest training organisation in welding, welding inspection and non-destructive testing.

TWI provides training and examination services via its network of offices and training centres (UK, South East Asia, Middle East, USA, China, India, South America and others) and agents worldwide.

Courses and examinations are designed for a full range of companies including some of the biggest names in oil and gas, aerospace, construction, power and automotive.

For more information about TWI Training and Examination Services click here

The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000