The Welding Institute


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Time to join the conversation

If you would like to extend your knowledge, awareness and engagement with this topic, the groups and resources below might be of interest.

Do let us know if you find other resources we could share. 

Royal Academy of Engineering 

Engineering needs people with different experiences, ideas and perspectives so that we can respond with the best  and most innovative solutions to the problems our world is facing. The Royal Academy of Engineering has put diversity and inclusion at the heart of their strategy.

Women’s Engineering Society

The Women’s Engineering Society aims to inspire women to achieve their potential as engineers, scientists and technical leaders. To make this happen, they support educators, managers and employers to create an inclusive industry. Together, they ‘encourage more gender diversity in engineering to solve the biggest societal issues of our time.

Women in Rail

Women in rail was created to improve diversity in the UK rail industry through providing networking opportunities and support for all women within the sector, encourage undertakings and stakeholders to adopt diversity as a business strategy and devising initiatives aimed at positioning rail as an attractive career choice for young people.

The Importance of Using Gender Neutral Language

The slides explore what gender neutrality is, how language can harm as well as the importance of gender-neutral language. 


Harvard University's Implicit Association Test (IAT) is not traditional training but a series of online tests that help individuals identify their unconscious biases. is a Cornerstone Foundation initiative and offers free online courses

Southern Illinois (University) Professional Development Centre have shared this video on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

The Welding Institute

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