10 Apr 2025 6:00 PM•Hybrid meeting. Remote connection via Zoom and in Person: The York Room, Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL
Committees and Officers
Mr Eric W R Martin CEng FWeldI
Mr Simon Mills CEng MWeldI
Vice Chair
Mr Ray Sheldon IEng MWeldI
Mr Ray J Sheldon IEng MWeldI
Eur Ing Graham Holloway CEng SenMWeldI
Programme Secretary
Eur Ing Alan Denney CEng FWeldI
(Assisted by Jerome Marsein MWeldI)
Education Officer
Eur Ing Michael H Lawrence CEng MWeldI
Young Members Committee Rep
Jetmira Uka AWeldI Richard Davey MWeldI
Social Media & Journal Correspondent
Jerome Marsein MWeldI
Branch Management Committee Rep
Mr Ray J Sheldon IEng MWeldI
Committee Member
Dr John Boran CEng SenMWeldI
Committee Member
Mr Andrew John Davies MWeldI
Committee Member
Kristian Thomas Tech WeldI Eng Tech
Committee Member
Sam Barlow MWeldI
Contact us
London Branch runs a lively programme of hybrid events (online and in-person) which are featured in the Events section of this website where details are posted and members and guests can register for attendance. You are free to attend the regular branch meetings in-person but we appreciate registration so that we can ensure that catering matches the level of attendance.
Our programme for 2024 consisted of 10 technical meetings plus one social event; a riverboat party.
Annual general meeting
Friction welding from invention to the moon - Jeroen de Bakker, TWI Ltd.
Arc welding consumable production and design - EurIng Graham Holloway, I.A. Barnes and Co Ltd.
A historical review of pulsed arc welding – some facts and some fiction - Mark Cozens, Weld-Class Solutions.
Mechanical testing of metals in H2S and H2 environments - Matthew Haslett, TWI Ltd.
Joint meeting with Institute of Corrosion.
The Prince of Wales: brand new steam for the 21st Century.
Graham Nicholas, Head of Engineering A1 Steam Locomotive Trust.
Joint meeting with Society of Chemical Industries.
Developments in Information and Knowledge Services at TWI - Paul Jones, TWI Ltd.
Riverboat trip: from Chiswick to Kingston and back, with afternoon tea.
Local vacuum power beam welding of large applications for energy - Chris Punshon, Cambridge Vacuum Engineering.
Joining techniques for thermoplastic composites in aerospace and automotive engineering - Sadik Omairey, Brunel Composites Centre and Non-metallic Innovation Centre.
Diffusion Bonding: Fundamentals and Applications - Amir Shirzadi, The Open University and Cambridge Joining Technology.
Everything you need to know about Rare Earth Metals - David Rowe, Cedar Metals Ltd.
Branch events are reported in the journal of the Institute: Welding and Joining Matters and past presentations, where released by the lecturer, are available in the meeting archives on this website.
The branch also has a LinkedIn page with regular branch news. On LinkedIn search for ‘London Branch – The Welding Institute’. Please join this group to receive regular updates direct from the Branch committee.
The Welding Institute
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK