Technical Group Webinar
Focusing on the steelwork fabrication and installation industries, this event will look at the factors that affect the fatigue life of welded joints and will examine ways to reduce the risks associated with welded joints in structures subject to cyclic loading.

Experts from industry and TWI Ltd will be presenting on a range of topics:
- Dr Carol Johnston, Consultant, TWI Ltd on Back to basics: Fatigue Performance of Welded Joints
The presentation will be a refresher on the fatigue performance of welded joints, focussing on their high cycle fatigue performance. It will mainly cover welds in steel structures, but will also mention welds in aluminium. It will describe why welds have a low fatigue performance and highlight some ways in which fatigue performance can be improved.
The presentation will describe the extensive fatigue issues identified in the ring frames of the Gade valley multispan box girder viaduct which carries the M25 through Hertfordshire, crossing the Grand Union Canal and West Coast Mainline railway.
Joanna/Kyriakos will begin with a description of the discovery of the fatigue issue in the ring frames, and the mechanism behind the problem. The assessment approach adopted and the verification of this approach by monitoring will be described. The remedial scheme will then be outlined, starting with the options considered and then moving into the details adopted. Some of the practical challenges in implementation on this heavily loaded structure will be described.

- Professional Members of The Welding Institute: £25 + VAT (£30)
- Industrial Members of TWI: £25 + VAT (£30)
- Non-members: £95 + VAT (£114)
- Retired Members: £25 + VAT (£30)
- Students: £25 + VAT (£30)
- TWI Training Customers: £75 + VAT (£90)
- TWI Training School Customers with professional membership: Free. Please contact us with your Training Customer ID Number
TWI Staff - please contact Hafiza Rahman if you wish to register.
Please note that payment must be made before the event in order to receive the joining instructions for the event.

If you can't join us on the day, you can still access the recording of the webinar and the presentations by registering ahead of the event.*
*presentation dissemination is dependent on presenter consent.

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You will also benefit from:

- Information transfer from experts
- Discussion, questions and answers on the specific topics
- A broader understanding of the extent of standards in the industry
- Attendance of this event qualifies for CPD

The Welding Institute awards points towards CPD for delegates attending this webinar. Every hour attendance of an event will earn 2 points towards your continuing professional development.
Please contact if you require a certificate of attendance towards your continuing professional development.

Dr Carol Johnston
Chief Engineer, TWI Ltd
Presentation title: Back-to-Basics: Improving Fatigue Resistance in Welded Joints
Dr Carol Johnston is a Chief Engineer in the Fatigue and Fracture Integrity Management section at TWI. She has many years of experience in running fatigue testing projects to qualify girth welds made using new welding procedures, and of providing consultancy on fatigue design of welded joints.
Joanna Bonnett, Vice President (Technical Oversight), COWI UK/ Kyriakos Antoniou, Senior Project Manager, COWI UK
Presentation title: Gade Valley Viaduct: A Case Study of Assessment and Remediation of Fatigue Failure
Joanna has a background in leading and managing technically demanding design, check and assessment of bridge projects in both steel and concrete. Key projects have included strategically important existing structures including the Gade Valley Viaduct, a key link in the M25 London Orbital Motorway, Erskine Bridge near Glasgow and the Hammersmith Flyover in West London.
Joanna is a Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer, and Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (CEng FICE MIStructE). Joanna has authored a number technical papers, focussing on the challenges and opportunities posed by working on existing bridges.
Kyriakos is a Chartered Civil Engineering within COWI's bridges business line. Over the past years he has demonstrated his ability to solve complex problems throughout the design, construction, and maintenance stages of existing bridge projects. He specialises in leading and managing the design and delivery of bridge projects and is passionate about providing innovative and simple solutions to complex issues.
Kyriakos has been the design representative and a key member of the Gade Valley Viaduct project team for several years and has followed through from concept to detail design, provided construction support, and published several papers on the different design aspects of this scheme.