Technical Group Event
During this meeting we will be covering the future opportunities for SMR/AMR manufacture, the design, materials and manufacturing challenges of advanced modular reactors and some of the advances in welding, NDE and cladding of vessels, ending with a presentation on the standards that are most likely to be implemented in SMR/AMR manufacture.

Experts from industry and TWI Ltd will be presenting on a range of topics:

Keynote Speaker:
- John McGloin, Head of Procurement - Partnerships, RR SMR, on Rolls-Royce SMR – Engaging Our Supply Chain
The presentation will give an overview of Rolls Royce SMR and their approach as well as how they see Rolls Royce SMR's place in the clean energy space; going on to explain how they'll use their supply chain to achieve it.

- Chris Hankinson, Head of Engineering, MoltexFLEX on AMRs – Design and Manufacture
The presentation will cover the market position and benefits of the FLEX design, timeframes and approach to delivery and technical challenges ahead, and how these will be addressed.

- Chris Punshon CEng FWeldI, Head of New Energy Applications, Cambridge Vacuum Engineering on Electron Beam Welding of Vessels for Nuclear Applications
The presentation will cover the exploitation of electron beam welding in nuclear power generation applications, an update on new developments in the electron beam systems leading to potential quality and production benefits in the fabrication of nuclear power plant.

- Thomas Dutilleul, Nuclear AMRC on Development of the Slope out Procedure for the Termination of Circumferential Welds.
The presentation will cover the development of the EB slope out procedure. This will be evidenced from both weld sectioning and NDE processes based on ASME requirements. Final deployment of the procedures has been based on scaled (2/3 scale) demonstrators (lower assembly based on an SMR RPV design).

- Marcello Consonni, Consultant Welding Engineer, TWI Ltd on Overview of Welding Standards for Nuclear Vessel Manufacture - ASME III and IX
The presentation will provide an overview of the main standards and specifications applicable to pressure vessel for Small Modular Reactors’ nuclear islands, with emphasis on fabrication and welding qualifications.

The presentation will cover introduction of strip cladding processes and their applications; comparison and benefits over other processes; single layer and multi-layer cladding operations; selection of welding consumables for specific applications; hybrid electro slag cladding – development, main features, results and real life applications.

- Professional Members of The Welding Institute: £95 + VAT (£114)
- Industrial Members of TWI: £95 + VAT (£114)
- Non-members: £165 + VAT (£198)
- Retired Members: £95 + VAT (£114)
- Students: £95 + VAT (£114)
- TWI Training School Customers with professional membership: Please contact us with your Training Customer ID Number
TWI Staff - £50 + VAT (£60) - please contact Nadine Earp if you wish to register.
Please note that payment must be made before the event in order to receive the joining instructions for the event.

If you can't join us on the day, contact us for pricing details for copies of presentations*
*presentation dissemination is dependent on presenter consent.

Registering on this Technical Group event as a non-member or a TWI Training Customer without Professional Membership gives you full Associate Membership (AWeldI) for one year. To activate your membership, just complete the highlighted fields on the event registration form.
You will also benefit from:

- Information transfer from experts
- Discussion, questions and answers on the specific topics
- A broader understanding of the extent of standards in the industry
- Attendance of this event qualifies for CPD
The Welding Institute awards points towards CPD for delegates attending this webinar. Every hour attendance of an event will earn 2 points towards your continuing professional development.
Please contact if you require a certificate of attendance towards your continuing professional development.

Keynote Speaker:
John McGloin
Head of Procurement - Partnerships, Rolls Royce SMR
Presentation title: Rolls-Royce SMR – Engaging Our Supply Chain
John has 13 years of experience working for Rolls-Royce across engineering, programme management and operations. He was part of the engineering team that brought the Trent XVB & 700 into service. He also led the effort to build robust supply chains for business aviation engines such as the Pearl 15, Pearl 700 and Pearl 10X for Gulfstream, Bombardier and Dassault.

Chris Punshon CEng FWeldI
Head of New Energy Applications, Cambridge Vacuum Engineering
Presentation title: Electron Beam Welding of Vessels for Nuclear Applications
Chris' career in engineering began in 1983, after graduating from the University of Sheffield with an honours degree in Metallurgy B.Met (hons). He then joined TWI Ltd, one of the foremost independent research and technology organisations where he worked for 38 years, starting as a Project Leader and leaving as Industry Group Manager Power and New Energy to join Cambridge Vacuum Engineering (CVE) as Head of New Energy applications.
During his career, he has directed many ground-breaking research and development projects relating to welding and joining, material properties, and other advanced technologies; in collaboration with a wide range of clients and partners throughout key industries such as aerospace, automotive, marine and offshore construction, oil and gas, renewable energy and power generation including nuclear fission and fusion. Chris is also a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), as well as a Fellow of The Welding Institute (FWeldI).
Pallav Chattopadhyay
Director Consumables R&D&I EMEA, Lincoln Electric Deutschland GmbH
Presentation title: Developments in Electro Slag Cladding
Overall 30 years of industrial experience including 22 years in the field of Reactor, Pressure Vessel, Nuclear components and heat exchanger fabrication followed by 8 years in Research & Development of critical welding consumable and total welding solution.
He has a rich experience in application of electro slag and submerged arc strip cladding processes of different alloys and is experienced in development and introduction of patented hybrid electro slag cladding technique.
Marcello Consonni
Consultant Welding Engineer, TWI Ltd
Presentation title: Overview of Welding Standards for Nuclear Vessel Manufacture - ASME III and IX
Marcello is a welding engineer at TWI Ltd in the UK. Marcello joined TWI's structural integrity department in 2006, then transferred to the welding engineering section in 2009.
Prior to TWI, Marcello worked as a metallurgist and welding engineer for an Italian pressure vessel manufacturer, now owned by the Westinghouse Electric Company.
Marcello is a member of various standardisation committees, including ASME BPV section IX, ASME BPV III UK International Working Group, ISO committees for welding qualifications and was a member of welding quality and the French Afcen committee ‘RCC MRx’ for high temperature and fusion reactors.
Thomas Dutilleul
Technical Lead, Electron Beam Welding, Consultant Welding Engineer, Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Presentation title: Advanced Joining Techniques to Improve Pressure Vessel Manufacturing
Thomas Dutilleul, 33 years old, is a welding engineer who has been specialising in Electron Beam Welding for 8 years at Nuclear AMRC, United Kingdom. He holds a masters in Physics from Lille University and a Masters in Welding Engineering from Cranfield University. He is a Chartered Engineer and Member of The Welding Institute and an International/European Welding Engineer.
Chris Hankinson
Head of Engineering, MoltexFLEX
Presentation title: AMRs – Design and Manufacture