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Wind Tower Generator Structures Fabrication Technologies and Quality

  • 23 May 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Online (Zoom)
  • 377


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Technical Group Webinar


Who should attend? 

The event is focused on current welding technology and fabrication standards for fabrication of heavy wall offshore structures for the offshore wind sector. The event should be of interest to anyone involved in design, fabrication and operation of offshore assets, with emphasis on windfarms, e.g. to fabricators, designers, weld engineers, quality control personnel and windfarm developers.

What will you learn? 

The event is focused on the fabrication of heavy wall monopile and jacket structures for use offshore. These are highly utilised structures both in terms of peak loads, for example during installation, and fatigue requirements during operation. The challenge is to be able to scale up cost-effective production of “mass produced” assets while achieving the required quality and performance for over 20 years of operation with minimal maintenance.

The event will concentrate on high productivity alternatives of current technology such as submerged arc welding and will explore promising future technologies such as additive manufacturing and electron beam welding.

Experts from industry will be presenting on a range of topics:

  • Bart Theunissen Ing, Manager Process Technology & Innovation, Sif on Practical Experience of Utilising Electron Beam Welding for Monopile Transition Piece Longitudinal Weld (Provisional)
  • Stephan Marre IEng MWeldI EWE/IWE, Technical & Applications Director, Lincoln Electric on Improved Productivity Saw Process For Wind Turbine Towers
  • Declan Foley, Fabrication Quality Manager, SSER on Offshore Renewables Fabrication Standards
  • Bryan O'Neil, Lincoln Electric on Additive Manufacturing for Offshore Wind Industry
  • Dr Carol Johnston, TWI Ltd on Linking Fabrication to Fatigue Performance for Offshore Wind 
  • Dr Robert Beattie, Director, Oxford Sensors Ltd on Multipass Adaptive Weld Control for Monopile Fabrication 

Please note that this event will be recorded.


  • Professional Members of The Welding Institute:
    • AWeldI: £25 + VAT (£30)
    • TechWeldI/MWeldI/FWeldI: Free 
  • Industrial Members of TWI Ltd: £25 + VAT (£30)
  • Non-members: £95 + VAT (£114)
  • Retired Members: £25 + VAT (£30)
  • Students: £25 + VAT (£30)
  • TWI Training Customers: £75 + VAT (£90)
  • TWI Training School Customers with professional membership: Free: Please contact us with your Training Customer ID Number  

TWI Staff - please contact Hafiza Rahman if you wish to register.

Please note that payment must be made before the event in order to receive the joining instructions for the event.


If you can't join us on the day, you can still access the recording of the webinar and the presentations by registering ahead of the event.*

*presentation dissemination is dependent on presenter consent.


Registering on this Technical Group webinar as a non-member or a TWI Training Customer without Professional Membership gives you full Associate Membership (AWeldI) for one year. To activate your membership, just complete the highlighted fields on the event registration form.

You will also benefit from:

  • Information transfer from experts
  • Discussion, questions and answers on the specific topics
  • A broader understanding of the extent of standards in the industry
  • Attendance of this event qualifies for CPD 


The Welding Institute awards points towards CPD for delegates attending this webinar. Every hour attendance of an event will earn 2 points towards your continuing professional development.

Please contact if you require a certificate of attendance towards your continuing professional development.


Stephan Marre

Stephan Marre is currently working in a welding consumable and welding equipment manufacturing company providing Industry leading welding solutions with extensive practical and theoretical knowledge of all major welding processes.

Qualified European and International Welding Engineer and registered as Incorporated Engineer at the British Engineer Council having spent the first 4 years of his career working as a Welding Technician and Engineer in France.

After moving to the UK, Stephan worked 2 years for a global Oil and Gas company, today, Stephan is holding the position of Technical & Applications Director, supporting top accounts and developing and deploying full industry solutions to solve customer issues and needs.

Bob Beattie

Bob Beattie supplied laser tracking systems for the world’s first monopile production line over 20 years ago. He is currently working on the world’s largest monopile factory, under construction in the UK. Between those projects, he has worked on laser vision and weld control for many different welding automation applications around the world.

Bryan O'Neil

Bryan is the Global Director for Offshore & Power Generation segments for Lincoln Electric. He has more than 28 years' global industry experience focused on fabrication of renewable energy, oil and gas investment. Bryan is the subject matter expert (SME) for welding fabrication in these segments for Lincoln Electric.

He is a welding engineering graduate from The Ohio State University (95’) and mechanical engineering technology program SUNY Broome Community College campus (92’). He is leading Lincoln Electrics effort to commercialize 3D wire additive manufacturing in the offshore and power generation. Bryan is an executive member of the Oceantic Network for offshore wind and serves on the board of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

Carol Johnston

Carol Johnston is a Consultant in the Fatigue Integrity Management section at TWI. Since 2009, she has been carrying out research and running a range of projects related to the fatigue performance and structural integrity of welded joints. Her main area of work is on validation fatigue testing of welds using the resonance fatigue testing technique, and providing consultancy on fatigue design of welded joints.

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