Amit Jain is a Lead Asset Integrity Engineer working at SABIC, KSA with a Masters in Welding Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Rajasthan University, India.
He joined The Welding Institute in 2010 and shares with us his experiences through engineering as well as his thoughts on being professionally registered and becoming TechWeldI.
When did you join The Welding Institute?
I registered with The Welding Institute and Engineering UK in 2010.
Please describe your current job role and responsibilities/a typical day in your role:
A summary of my roles and responsibilities would be welding and being involved with welding technology, root cause failures and risk assessments.
Why did you choose a career in engineering?
Engineering is versatile and offers many opportunities. It is an innovative field and a diverse industry, I enjoy contributing to teams through technical endeavour to sustain and improve lives.
What’s one of your biggest career highlights or achievements that you’re most proud of?
I am proud to achieve my Masters in Welding Engineering and receiving certification ‘IWE’ from IIW USA. I am also happy to have published technical papers in ‘International Welding Congress and International Journal’.
What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career and how did you overcome this?
During conducting failure analysis, we were facing the problem of finding exact root cause however while going through some international journals and The Welding Institute technical papers, we were able to overcome this challenge.
Why did you initially join The Welding Institute?
Registration with The Welding Institute and Engineering Council establishes their proven knowledge, understanding and competence. It also helps to enhance competency in Welding Engineering through a technical database and job knowledge articles.
Tell us a bit about the process of becoming a Member of The Welding Institute
My journey of becoming Member of The Welding Institute started with a review of my CV and a check of eligibility by the technical committee. Then the committee went through my application and invited me for an interview.
Since I have my Master’s in Welding Engineering, I have applied for CEng however, initially my application was for eligibility for TechWeldI. Now I am in the process of applying for CEng Status.
When and why did you choose to become professionally registered?
During 2009, I started the process of becoming professionally registered with The Welding Institute and Engineering Council UK. Professional registration is helpful for job applications and tendering to work abroad.
How has Professional Registration as EngTech supported you in your career?
It establishes proven knowledge and demonstrates a commitment to professional standard.
How has Professional Membership as TechWeldI supported you in your career?
With the help of The Welding Institute’s Membership, you have access to technical journals and papers to enhance your technical knowledge and competencies.
What are your core involvements with The Welding Institute, what do they entail and why do you undertake them?
Yes, I was a mentor in my present organization for fresh engineers.
What membership benefits do you use the most and find the most helpful and why?
I use all the Member benefits, but particularly the job knowledge articles.
Are there any membership benefits that you would like to use more?
I would like to use all the Membership benefits more.
What are your engineering aspirations?
I would like to achieve CEng Status as soon as possible and I am working towards that. I would like to provide technical support as advisor in my core competencies.
Would you recommend Membership with The Welding Institute and why?
Yes, anyone aspiring to be recognised as a professional engineer, this is the way to achieve this.
What advice would you give or what would you say to your younger self beginning your career in engineering?
By professional registration, you can demonstrate competence and commitment to perform professional work.
The Welding Institute
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
+44 (0)1223 899000
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