The Welding Institute

Free Student Associate Membership

2 Feb 2024 11:00 AM | Anonymous

Any student enrolled on a course with the minimum equivalent length of one full academic year is eligible for free student associate membership of The Welding Institute. The free Associate Student grade is available for the duration of enrolment on your course, up to a maximum of 5 years.

As part of your Membership with The Welding Institute, you will gain a multitude of benefits, such as becoming a part of a regional Branch, a reduced price for attending Institute Technical Group events, and access to our newly redesigned Digital Library. You will also be able to learn continuously with Professional Development opportunities and Training and Development courses, where The Welding Institute Members benefit from a 5% discount.

The Younger Members’ Committee is the perfect place for young people in the engineering space that wish to meet peers in the same field, as well as those with similar interests to them. You can also investigate and monitor current job opportunities on the newly introduced Jobsite – a dedicated website for engineering, welding and allied technology-based job listings.

These are just some of the benefits available to students, for free, with a Welding Institute Associate Student membership.

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The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000