Our Offshore Energy/Pressure and Process Plant Technical Group will be hosting a webinar on 9 May 2024 at 9:00AM till 11:30AM (UK Time)
During this event, ‘Approach to Inspection of Ageing Plant in Late Life and Life Extension Phases’, we will highlight and compare the way in which different industry sectors approach the management of inspection and integrity as the plant they are operating enters the late life phase and possibly beyond its original design life. Integrity management strategies operate under differing legislative regimes and constraints, as well as operational and financial.
This event will detail how different industries modify and reassess their asset integrity management and maintenance strategies as a plant ages, including demonstrations of continuing fitness-for-service requirements for ageing plants.
Who should attend?
Integrity management, inspection and plant operations personnel interested in how different industrial sectors manage their approach to inspection, maintenance and engineering assessment in late life and life extension phases.
Speakers and Presentation Titles:
Matt Henderson, SSE Renewables – Integrity management within SSE’s offshore wind portfolio, and planning for life extension.
Laura Scott, TAQA – TBC
Speaker 3 – TBC
Speaker 4 – TBC
Discover more: https://theweldinginstitute.com/event-5652437
The Welding Institute
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
+44 (0)1223 899000
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