Who is The Younger Members’ Committee?
The Younger Members’ Committee (YMC) is a collective of younger engineers with a passion for welding and engineering. The YMC is an opportunity to increase your network through The
Welding Institute by sharing common interests and knowledge with fellow industry members.
The YMC is here to support your career developments through professional support, guidance and mentoring, whichever stage you may be at. This committee is for those between 18 – 35. The YMC aims to promote engagement of younger people in educational settings through STEM activities, educational outreach and collaboration with other institutions.
Being a part of your local regional branch gives you a range of opportunities such as monthly meetings (both online and in person) including technical talks and site visits.
Local branches of The Welding Institute and Technical Groups, actively host meetings that count towards your Continuous Professional Development (CPD). CPD demonstrates your professional and academic experience to enable you to manage and evaluate your own growth. It is a useful tool to understand previous/ current professional achievements and an opportunity to plan for future developments.
Launch of the first YMC webinar
The YMC is launching a series of webinars starting with their first on 30 September 2024 from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM (UK Time), titled ‘From Arc to Ashes – the Lifecycle of a Weld: An Introduction to Friction Welding and Processing’. This webinar will cover topics such as; welding, mechanical (destructive) testing, non-destructive testing, materials and defects. It will also provide an overview of types of friction welding and processing, how they work and some of the key industrial applications. In addition, this is a great opportunity for an insight into careers within the industry.
Discover more: From Arc to Ashes – the Lifecycle of a Weld: An Introduction to Friction Welding and Processing.
The Welding Institute
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
+44 (0)1223 899000
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