The Richard Dolby – Rolls-Royce Prize is a prestigious biennially awarded prize sponsored by Rolls-Royce plc with the applications and nominations closing date on November 15th. The award is presented by The Welding Institutes Younger Members Committee to any young person (under 35 years of age) that can demonstrate success in, and enthusiasm for welding, joining and/or materials engineering at the early stage of their career and the award is not restricted to Welding Institute Members exclusively.
A cash prize of £1000 will be awarded to the winner and the top three runners up in the competition will be awarded a £100 Amazon gift voucher in recognition of their commitment to the competition.
The competition will be judged with the main part of the application will be a technical report (of no more than four A4 pages) on a subject related to welding, joining and/or materials engineering. If short-listed for the final, the candidate will then give a 20 minute presentation based on their project in front of a judging panel at TWI, when the winner will be selected. The winner selected by the panel will be invited to attend an awards presentation where they will receive their prize, and may also be invited to repeat their presentation at a subsequent TWI event.
To apply, please click here.
The Welding Institute
Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK
+44 (0)1223 899000
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