The Welding Institute

COVID-19: Member Stories From Across the Globe – Guan Yingchun

1 May 2020 1:17 PM | Anonymous


The Welding Institute have been keeping in contact with our Members across the globe to see how the coronavirus outbreak is impacting different corners of the world. This Insight looks at Professor Guan Yingchun’s experience in Beijing.

Professor Guan Yingchun MWeldI CEng

Professor Guan Yingchun MWeldI CEng joined the Welding Institute as a Member in 2018 and is a Professor at the Beihang University in Beijing. As the first country to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic, Guan’s message offers an important insight into the hope that we should feel for the future.

How has Covid-19 impacted you personally?

Guan described how multiple factors, subsequent of the coronavirus outbreak, have led to her life being impacted. She explained that her ‘university has been locked down and all students have stayed at home since January.’ She continued by saying that everyone has had to work from home for over two months and lifestyle changes have had to be made including, ‘ordering living essentials online following delivery service rules.’ She explained that, as part of her personal preparation, she ensured that she ‘had some medicine at home in advance in case of not feeling well or common illness.’ She added that, ‘thanks to neighbourhood committees and securities as well as policing in our local community, the situation is getting much better.’ Guan commented on the fact that, ‘many companies and organisations or institutions are back to normal in April,’ however, she added that this new normal was one where, ‘we all still follow strict regulations including measuring body temperature, washing hands, sanitising clothes and shoes before entering any building.’

How has Covid-19 impacted on your work?

Within these circumstances Guan explained that her ‘research lab has already been locked down for more than three months,’ she continued by saying that, ‘all conferences, seminars, events, meetings and travel has been cancelled or delayed.’ As a result, Guan has focused on her ‘reading and writing, including proposals, papers and reports.’ Her role as a Professor has also kept her busy with ‘regular meetings with my team and online teaching of an undergraduate course for the semester.’

What have you learnt from the current situation?

Guan shared that the main lesson that should be learnt from this situation is that, ‘it is never too late to get prepared. We are essential to our family, our society, our nation and we should also be responsible for other people in these circumstances.’

What can you share with other Members at this time?

Guan finished by saying that we can all carry out an important role through continuing to ‘wash our hands frequently, eat well, rest well, sleep well, and stay as calm as possible.’ She concluded with the final statement urging others to ‘not forget to do regular physical exercise at home to keep healthy and, moreover, keep talking to your friends and attending TWI Member online events that are helpful in making us happy.’

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