The Welding Institute

Paul Woollin, Director of Research, TWI Ltd - Past, Present and Future Hydrogen-related Activities and Initiatives at TWI Ltd

Prof Gareth Hinds, Senior NPL Fellow & Science Area Leader, Electrochemistry, National Physical Laboratory - Overview of NPL Hydrogen Research

Gareth Hinds is Senior NPL Fellow and Science Area Leader in the Electrochemistry Group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). His primary expertise is in the development of novel in situ diagnostic techniques and standard test methods for assessment of corrosion and material degradation in energy applications. Gareth is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and holds visiting professorships at UCL, the University of Strathclyde and Harbin Institute of Technology. He is the author of over 200 publications and is currently President of the World Corrosion Organization and Vice President of the European Federation of Corrosion.

Neil Gallon, Principal Engineer, Rosen - Materials Challenges when Repurposing Pipelines to Hydrogen

Neil Gallon is a Principal Engineer with the ROSEN Group in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, having previously worked for various consulting and manufacturing companies, including British Steel / Tata Steel and GE Wellstream. His current work concentrates on understanding the effects of gaseous hydrogen on steel properties.

James Hunt, Future Propulsion Lead, The University of Sheffield AMRC - Challenges for Materials in Hydrogen Propulsion Systems

James has been working on the topic of hydrogen in propulsion systems for the past 2 years, he has delivered a report as part of the ATl's FlyZero programme. With a background in materials he has a good understanding of the challenges related to hydrogen compatibility as well as how they are able to manufacture the components.

Kate Kell, Operations Manager, TWI Ltd - MAST3RBoost: Materials innovation for next generation hydrogen storage

Kate holds an MA in Engineering from the University of Cambridge. She has over 25 years of experience working in a diverse range of manufacturing industries, including Chemicals, Flavours and Fragrances, Adhesives, Automotive and Electronics.

Kate returned to TWI 5 years ago to work in the development of collaborative proposals and the subsequent delivery of projects. She is currently the TWI Project Leader for the MAST3RBoost project: Maturing the production standards of ultra-porous structures for high density hydrogen storage bank operating on swinging temperatures and low compression, funded by the European Union under grant agreement 101058574. TWI's work in this project is funded by Innovate UK under grant no 10040807.

Dr Bernadette Craster, Polymeric Materials and Ageing through Permeation Processes, TWI Ltd - Non-metallics and Hydrogen

Dr Bernadette Craster has worked as an experimental scientist since 1989. Her specialism is transport processes through non-metallic materials through which material ageing can be studied.  In 2012 she joined TWI and papers on interactions  with hydrogen and carbon dioxide, amongst other fluids, have been  published on. Along with a team of experimentalists and engineers, she supports the Members of TWI Ltd through single client, joint industry and research projects. 

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